pyRSKtools is RBR’s open source Python toolbox for reading, post-processing, visualizing, and exporting RBR logger data. Users may plot data as a time series or as depth profiles using tailored plotting utilities. Time-depth heat maps can be plotted easily to visualize transects or moored profiler data. A full suite of data post-processing functionality, such as methods to match sensor time constants and bin average, are available to enhance data quality.
Review RSKtools Getting Started for an introduction on how to make a connection to an RSK file via an instantiated RSK
class object.
pyRSKtools includes a series of functions to post-process RBR logger data. Below we show how to implement some common processing steps to obtain the highest quality data possible. All post-processing functions are customizable with name-value pair input arguments. Documentation for each function can be accessed using the Python commands doc and help.